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Showing posts from July, 2022

A Tip to Help With Chaotic Cleaning

Welcome back friends and family. Today we are gonna combine cleaning with a little crafting.  How many of us, while cleaning house, find things that belong in the kids rooms or the living room or the bathroom or even your room?  Well, in this post I'm going to show you how I've taken steps to combat this because this drives me crazy when I already clean like I have ADHD. Now I'm not saying anything negative about ADHD because both my kids have been diagnosed with ADHD so I understand how this can affect someone and their lives. I'm simply saying that when I clean I cannot stay focused on a task because I'm constantly picking things up and going to another room where I see something else that needs to be done and I start working on that, etc. I then forget to go back and finish what I've already started. I still struggle with this every time I clean but this little tip/trick has helped a lot. I also call this "Chaotic Cleaning". I have found these great...

Using Dollar Tree's LA's Totally Awesome

Welcome back friends and family. Did you know that Dollar Tree's LA's Totally Awesome brand has a ton of products for your home?  There is everything from the original cleaner (yellow stuff in the bottle) to laundry detergent to bathroom cleaner.  I just got some of the original cleaner last weekend and I've got to tell you it is totally awesome.                              (This is a stock photo taken from Dollar Tree's website.) I did some checking around and have found that this can be purchased at other retailers and other online store but it is more expensive and you get less product. This bottle here is $1.25 for 32 Fl. Oz. Or 12 for $15.00.  You can get 2 bottles of the exact same thing on Amazon but they are currently $10 but it was $14.99.  I love Amazon and shop online all the time but why pay $5 when I can pay $1.25?  Again I love to save money and do things with a...

Welcome to Classy Sassy DIY and More

Hi friends and family. Yes that means you. My name is Angie and I'm starting this blog to bring you information on DIYs and other projects for your home that will be cost effective and fun.  Let me tell you about our little family  I am a busy wife of almost 21 years. My husband (Marty) is amazing. He works hard and is an amazing dad to our 2 children. He's a restaurant manager and is a great handy man. I swear he can fix anything.  We have 2 children, as I said. Our son (Bub) is 20 and is going to college to be an engineer. He also works at one of our local Kroger stores. He really enjoys his job in the produce section. Our daughter (Sis) is 9 (10 in Sept).  We adopted her when she was 3. She is our sweet, sassy, wild child. She's got a heart of gold but as most kids at her age, she likes to test her parents nerves. She loves music and video games, just like her big brother. I work a full time job at one of the busiest veterinarian clinic in our area. I'...