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Cleaning in Real Life

Welcome back friends and family. Hope everyone had a great weekend. 

Let's talk about how much we hate to clean. I haven't met many people who actually enjoy cleaning their house. It's a never ending process, especially if you have kids or pets. 

I am fortunate enough to have a husband who helps with cleaning. Actually, he cleans better than I do. 

My husband and I on one of our many hiking trips

Here is a list of 5 things I do to help keep a clean house. 

1. Spend at least 20 minutes a day picking up the small things of clutter around the house. 
2.  Make a chore list for the family. 
3. Take the extra time and steps to put an item where it belongs vs. just laying it down. 
4. Get the dishes done before going to bed every night. 
5. Wipe down all counters before bed. 

Our chore chart that I made and change weekly

In an ideal world these things will be done everyday, but life happens. Sometimes I am not able to do some of the items on this list and that's ok. 

There are days that my back hurts or the kids have a game or concert. Sometimes I've had a rough day at work and just need to relax and not be going non stop. Sometimes I need to just have a mental break and not deal with things. And that's ok. 

My kids on one of our many hiking trips

We need to normalize that we Sometimes need a day to just be and enjoy the moment. Sometimes we need to focus on the things that matter in our lives. For example, spending your "cleaning time" with your kids or spouse doing something you all enjoy, like us, going hiking or playing a game. They need your time and attention as well as your home. 

We need to realize that the messy dishes will be there tomorrow but family may not be. Life is short and we need to spend our loves doing the things we enjoy and spending time with those we love.
My family playing a game of dungeons and dragons 

Yes, that may mean you'll be spending an extra 20 minutes the next day cleaning, but that's ok. 

The problem is when we keep putting off the cleaning and never get it done at all. That's also why you need your family's help. If your kids are big enough to reach the sink they are big enough to help with the dishes. If they can brush their own teeth they are big enough to wipe down the bathroom sink. They can pick up their own toys or put away their own laundry. My family does their own laundry.  I only have to do my own clothes and the towels.  Moms you don't have to do it ALL. 

My daughter making dinner

My family helps with the cleaning all the time. My kids have their responsibilities in the home too. I mean they live here rent free. We pay for everything they need, food, water, shelter, clothing, medical bills. They can at least pick up after themselves. 

My son helping with the grocery shopping

Does this happen without being told, not always. Do they do it without arguing or complaining, not always. But, it does get done. 

Let's just say my home is not always clean but we do work together to help make it that way. It's always a work in progress. 

I want you to know that there are those of us that know how hard it is to keep a clean home while also spending quality time with those you love.

Let me know in the comments below what you do to keep your home clean. How does your family help or do you do it all yourself?  It's ok to ask them to help. Moms you don't have to do it ALL. 

Have a great week. See you next time. 


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