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Quick and Easy DIY Decor

Welcome back friends and family. Today if like to show you a quick little DIY. I found this little sign at Dollar Tree a few weeks ago and thought it was cute as is but wanted to make it just a bit better. 

Now, like I said, this is cute as is and can easily be placed on a shelf or a tired tray and be perfect for you. I wanted it to be a little extra. I removed the flower but will keep it for another project. It came right out without any extra tools or anything. 

The next thing I did was to sand away any rough surface around the hole. Once that was done I used just a regular black sharpie and put dots and small lines all along the outside of the letters just to make them stand out just a little more. I think it really made the letters pop and made it look just a bit more high end. 

I found this really cute garland with wooden beads and these little circles with sailboats back when Dollar Tree had all their nautical décor out at the beginning of summer. 

I took one of the little sailboats and painted it with this acrylic paint that was gifted to me by a friend. I really like it cause it's thick and usually only takes one coat. 

I loved the blue color. It goes well with the nautical theme we have going in the bathroom. I love a nautical themed bathroom. Anyway, I used my hot glue gun to attach the sailboat to the sign. I felt like it needed just a little something else so I cut 2 small strands of blue yarn and tied a quick bow and frayed the ends and hot glued that on as well. 

I think it turned out so cute and will look great on this hanging shelf in the bathroom with some succulents or other greenery. 

And just like that I was able to make a cute and quick DIY for only a couple dollars and only took me about 10 minutes to do. Anyone can take inexpensive home décor items and turn them into higher end looking pieces with just a bit of creativity. 

Happy decorating. Check us out in Facebook as well by searching the groups for ClassySassyDIYandMore. This is where I will send out notifications of upcoming posts and also have discussions about possible other blog post ideas.   

I'd love to hear from you.  Comment below if you've ever taken a décor item like this and turned it into a high end piece. What kind of décor do you prefer in your bathroom?  Let me know below if you have a future post suggestion. 


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