Welcome back friends and family. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Let's talk about how much we hate to clean. I haven't met many people who actually enjoy cleaning their house. It's a never ending process, especially if you have kids or pets. I am fortunate enough to have a husband who helps with cleaning. Actually, he cleans better than I do. My husband and I on one of our many hiking trips Here is a list of 5 things I do to help keep a clean house. 1. Spend at least 20 minutes a day picking up the small things of clutter around the house. 2. Make a chore list for the family. 3. Take the extra time and steps to put an item where it belongs vs. just laying it down. 4. Get the dishes done before going to bed every night. 5. Wipe down all counters before bed. Our chore chart that I made and change weekly In an ideal world these things will be done everyday, but life happens. Sometimes I am not able to do some of...